• Background


Trees are essential for life. They supply food and raw materials and are also a vital source of oxygen, retention for water resources, biodiversity of flora and fauna.

One of the key issues is to change our mindset: trees cannot only be planted and protected in a large area, i.e. forest, but can grow anywhere and close to people. This will increase participation and investment of people.

The present Covid-19 pandemic provides an opportunity for direct funding to villagers by supporting tree planting which is a win-win situation for the environment and quality of life.


1. Encourage, promote and support tree growing at district level
2. Create participation and an annual tree planting culture
  • Duration, target area and operation

Trees (species depend on local needs and conditions) will be planted in pilot districts (see map with PDA centers), making use of wilderness areas, public places, temples, schools, cemeteries, road sides etc. Meetings/trainings will be organized, construction and operation of nurseries for seedlings will be supported, campaigns will we organized to have a maximum number of villagers participate, information will be publicized regularly, follow-up as well as monitoring and planning will be done in a participatory way with support from local authorities.

  • Expected results

Awareness and culture of annual tree planting will be raised, public and private sector in the target areas will be involved. Apart from carbon sequestration, other important benefits of the tree planting project will be: biodiversity conservation, soil and hydrological stability, socio-economic benefits for local communities (including food security) as well as  opportunities for eco-tourism and recreation.